Braided black hair

Hair loss is a heartbreaking truth for many men, and women.  While generally associated with age, hair loss can be caused by numerous different factors.  Some of these circumstances are treatable or even reversible.

Unlike male pattern baldness, hair loss can be a warning sign of a particular disease, and can even be caused by stress.  Hair loss is often the first and only presentation of many diseases and the hair generally grows back when the disease is gone or the patient is undergoing adequate medication.  Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism,  Addison’s Read more . . .

Bald man in red suit

At any given time,  an estimate of 10% of the hair is in the resting phrase. Two or three months later, the resting hair will fall out and new hair will start to grow in its place. This growing stage lasts anywhere from two to six years. On average, during this phase,  each hair strand grows one centimeter per month.   At any given time, ninety percent of the hair is in the growing phase. It is common for a person to lose some hair each day during this cycle.

However, some people may lose hair at a higher than average rate.  This can affect anyone, women, men, and children during any stage in their life. There are a variety of reasons that can result in excessive hair loss.   Some Read more . . .

Smiling bald lady

There is an increasing interest in healthy lifestyle options.  We’re paying more attention to how we exercise and what we eat.  We’re looking to our bodies for proof of good health, and know how to recognize signs of trouble.  But through all of this newfound knowledge, many of us don’t understand that our hair may be the most important measuring tool of good health.

It’s essential to understand the hair growth cycle in order to determine if your hair, as well as your body, is healthy.  When you know about the hair growth cycle, and can react appropriately to the different phases, you’ll Read more . . .